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April 23, 2012

As per “Integrated Renewable Energy Resource” report of TERI, Gujarat has 750 GW of renewable energy potential…


Power India found that The Energy Research Institute (TERI) has estimated Gujarat’s overall integrated renewable energy potential to be around 750 GW. This includes all the major renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro etc.


Source wise breakup as estimated by TERI is:

      • Hydro Power: 345 GW
      • Solar PV & Wind Hybrid : 240 GW
      • Solar Thermal : 21 GW
      • Wind : 139 GW
      • Biomass 1.9 GW


Leena Shrivastava, Vice Chancellor, TERI said:

"The overall renewable energy potential in Gujarat is very high, considering if all the identified suitable lands can be made available. For this there is a need to focus on developing guidelines and policy for prioritisation of the land utilization, which enables easy and early clearance of lands for the renewable energy projects development,"

The report called as “Integrated Renewable Energy Resource Atlas for Gujarat” prepared by TERI and Sustainable Energy Foundations has been unveiled by former Union Ministers for Power Mr. Suresh Prabhu.


Besides Shrivastava and Prabhu, Guajrat's energy and petrochemicals secretary DJ Pandian, Moser Baer ED Ratal Puri and Hitachi Hi-Rel Electronics MD Piyush Shah addressed participants at two day Indian Solar Investment & Technology Summit in Gandhinagar.


As said by Alok Kumar Jindal, TERI’s associate fellow and area convenor:

"Based on the adaptability of this atlas, the same type of atlases can be developed for all the states having good renewable energy resources. The report is an interactive tool to help the planners and policy makers for promotion and development of renewable energy projects at large scale,"

The methodology for the study includes data collection on the previous estimates of renewable energy potential in the state, analysing those data, finding the shortcoming and need for its improvements and additionally the impact of technology development in to the actual potential. TERI contacted various government agencies and other relevant institutions data collection. The land use and land cover data of Gujarat were collected for the present year and analysed through the Geographic Information System.

The Energy-Environment Technology Development division of TERI focuses on development and propagation of products and services based on renewable energy technologies and resource-efficiency through multidisciplinary approach and close interaction with the user - community and industry. Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation works in the area of future of clean energy by supporting the design and implementation of policies.




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

1 comment:

  1. No doubt that it’s a great achievement by Gujrat, thanks for sharing the post on teri India.


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