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July 31, 2013

RPower Net ProFit remain Flat at Rs. 240 Crores...


Reliance PowerReliance Power Limited, announced its consolidated financial reports on 30/07/2013 according to which the net profit of the company is around Rs. 240 Crores for the first quarter of 2013-14 which was Rs. 239.5 Crores in the corresponding quarter of previous financial year.

Further the total income recorded was Rs. 1,206 Crores which was Rs. 1,252 Crores in the same period last year.

According to company, The total income has seen a decline mainly on account of fall in domestic and international coal prices. In the cost pass-through model, if the coal prices decline, the topline will surely be impacted.

Further according to company officials, the performance of various projects were satisfactory:

  • 1,200 mw Rosa power plant in Uttar Pradesh operated at 100% availability and 72% plant load factor (PLF).
  • The 40 MW Dhursar solar plant in Rajasthan operated at 23% PLF
  • Performance of the 600 MW Butibori plant in Maharashtra was also satisfactory. The regulatory approval for selling power on cost-plus basis from 600 MW Butibori project will pave the way for substantially mitigating the sectoral challenges such as fuel and commercial risks for the plant. So far, short-term trading from Butibori plant was being done. Once the off-take commences (on cost pass through) the performance will further improve.

Updates given by the company on other under construction project are:

  • Construction work is in progress for the second 660 mw unit of the 3,960 mw Sasan ultra mega power project and the plant is on track to start ahead of the bid schedule by June 2014.
  • 45 MW Wind Project in Vashpet, Maharashtra was recenly commissioned.
  • Construction work at 100 MW solar power project (CSP) at Dhursar, Rajasthan is expected to be commissioned this year.

Currently RPower is having operational capacity of 2,545 MW.

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