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November 14, 2013

Performance report of Solar projects under national solar mission...


Performance report of Solar projects under national solar mission...


MNRE has published the performance data of the projects commissioned under National Solar Mission Phase 1 (Batch 1 and Batch 2) for the month of September 2013 after skipping August 2013.



As the Batch 1 projects have completed one year (Oct-13 to Sep-13), the annual performance of the same are analyzed.

Under the performance data, the performances of solar projects in terms of monthly generation (in kWh) as well as CUF/PLF are being mentioned.

However, for the purpose of the analysis, only the generation figures given by MNRE are considered and are used to calculate the PLF of the project based on the installed capacity.

Further, out of the 28 commissioned projects, around 14 projects were having inconsistent data / data not available.

Hence, for the purpose of evaluating the performance of the Batch 1 Projects, the sample of 14 projects which were fairly reasonable data has been considered from the month of Oct-12 to Sep-13. 

On an average, the Batch 1 solar projects have achieved the annual Plant Load Factor of around 21.17%.

The complete analysis along with the datasheet from Oct-12 to Sep-13 is populated in the report format and attached herewith.


The same can be downloaded from this link.

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