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November 26, 2013

Tamil Nadu Government in planning to develop solar villages...


Tamil Nadu Government in planning to develop solar villages...

The Tamil Nadu government is planning new incentives for households and enterprises engaged in solar power generation. “The Tamil Nadu Government has, in the planning stages, incentives for any household or enterprise that generates solar power on its premises,” said Sudeep Jain, Chairman and Managing Director of Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency, recently.

Speaking at a conference ‘The Business of Off-grid Lighting in India’ organised by the Institute of Financial Management and Research at the Raintree Hotel, he pointed out that the infusion of solar power generation into households and businesses across the state was a priority for the Government of Tamil Nadu.

He also added that there was a plan to establish a solar village in the State operating completely on solar power, within the next few years, in line with the wishes of Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, who was pushing for more extensive solar power generation.

The entry of small-scale, renewable energy based technologies into the market and the steadily escalating prices of fossil fuel have made it economically viable for the utilisation of these technologies for electricity generation, especially in rural areas.

Towards the end, the conference had as its prime objective, the showcasing of the prospects of off-grid solar photovoltaic for rural electrification in India and highlighting the business and financial models, associated challenges and discussing approaches for scaling up off-grid lighting.

“The advent of these technologies, especially solar power generation, into the market and the increase in the efficiency of the same has made them a very viable source of electricity for lighting and other equipment for small cottage industries,” pointed out Koyel Mandal, senior research manager, IFMR.


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