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December 18, 2013

MH Govt nod to Rs 80cr for Kolhapur's underground power cables...


MH Govt nod to Rs 80cr for Kolhapur's underground power cables...

The Maharashtra State government has sanctioned Rs 80 crore for the Kolhapur city to have underground electricity cables for the first time. The Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) will lay a wide underground network of high- and low-tension wires through the city with the funds.

Dipak Kumthekar, superintendent engineer of the Kolhapur district, MSEDCL, told TOI on Tuesday, "The funds have been sanctioned to Kolhapur city, but the tender procedure has not yet been initiated. We are expecting it to be completed by April 2014. Apart from aesthetics, the cables are more secure, tamper proof and have a longer life."

The decision was taken to cater to the growing demand and expansion of the city, as it is not easy to erect electricity polls in the city.

Kumthekar said that the company had found it difficult several times to find appropriate location to set up a poll due to the opposition from locals or inconvenient approach routes. Sometimes, there are technical issues as well, he said.

The funds will be used to lay 88-km long underground high tension cables and 112-km long low tension cables in the city. In addition to this, 71-km long elevated high tension cable will also be laid, which will supply power to various substations. The city will also have 230 new substations to meet the growing demand of the city, Kumthekar said.

Data from the Kolhapur Municipal Corporation reveals that at least 1,000 building construction proposals are sanctioned every year, which is directly linked with the rise in power consumers. Spaces in the city are also allotted for commercial, business or service purposes, which require more electricity supply. To meet the growing demand for power, the MSEDCL has decided to set up more transformers and high tension cables.


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