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December 4, 2013

MNRE to promote integration of solar thermal technology with Biomass Power Generation; invites proposals for consultancy...


MNRE to promote integration of solar thermal technology with Biomass Power Generation; invites proposals for consultancy...

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, is implementing a MNRE - UNDP / GEF assisted Project on “Removal of Barriers to Biomass Power Generation in India.” The aim of the Project is to accelerate the adoption of environmentally sustainable biomass power technologies by removing the barriers identified, thereby laying the foundation for the large scale commercialization of biomass power through increased access to financing.

The Biomass Conversion Technologies that are proposed to be deployed in establishment of Model Investment Projects (MIPs) are – Combustion, Gasification and Cogeneration using different type of captive and distributed biomass resources.

As a part of this project, the Ministry is contemplating to commission a study to explore the possibility of “Integration of Solar Thermal Technology with the existing Combustion based Biomass Power Plants”. This inter – alia involves identification of commercially available Solar thermal technologies, review of existing international policy and regulatory frameworks, which support setting up of such projects, development of Bankable Detailed Project Reports for identified locations.

The Ministry invites sealed offers under two bids system (Part I : Techno- Commercial Bid & Part II : Price Bid) from the International Consultancy Organisations having experience in the area of Biomass-Solar Thermal Hybrid Systems and tariff policy & regulations. Interested organisations may submit their proposal to the Project Management Cell (PMC) established in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, B-14, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003, Telefax: 011-24369788, Email: jainvk@nic.in. Last date for submission of the proposal is 10th January 2014.


The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, being the nodal Ministry of Govt. of India, is responsible for development, deployment and promotion of renewable energy in the country. The Ministry has a wide range of programmes for harnessing energy as well as grid interactive and off grid power from various renewable sources. Biomass which is renewable in nature, carbon neutral and has the potential to provide large productive employment in rural areas is considered as one of the promising source for generation of power / energy using commercially available thermal and biological conversion technologies. About 155 biomass power projects with an aggregate capacity of 1,265 MW had been installed so far in the country under the Programme on Generation of Grid Interactive Power from Biomass implemented by the Ministry. These plants are mainly based on surplus agro residues such as rice husk, cotton & arhar stalk, mustard stalk, and other agro and agro industrial residues.

In addition to the Biomass Power Programme, Ministry is also implementing a MNRE - UNDP / GEF assisted Project on “Removal of Barriers to Biomass Power Generation in India.” The aim of the Project is to accelerate the adoption of environmentally sustainable biomass power technologies by removing the barriers identified, thereby laying the foundation for the large scale commercialization of biomass power through increased access to financing. The Biomass Conversion Technologies that are proposed to be deployed in establishment of Model Investment Projects (MIPs) are – Combustion, Gasification and Cogeneration using different type of captive and distributed biomass resources.

Seasonal variation in the availability of biomass is one of the barriers faced by biomass power generation projects. This assignment will study the suitable biomass hybrid models with solar thermal in order to explore the possibility of optimizing fuel usage and making plants more sustainable. Biomass hybrid model may provide the solution to overcome these barriers as two renewable energy resources complementing each other with regard to availability, thereby enhancing the chance of improved PLF and so viability. Towards this, the Ministry has planned to develop innovative demonstration projects and had invited proposals from developers interested in integrating solar component in their existing biomass plants.


Scope of Work

  • Global Status Report of Commercially Available Solar - Thermal Technologies that can be integrated with the existing combustion based biomass power plants and should include the following-:
    • Review of Existing policy and fiscal support, and regulatory framework to promote biomass solar hybrid technologies at the international level;
    • Assessment of Status of the commercially available Solar Thermal Technologies; maturity and penetration in hybrid mode with focus on biomass solar hybrid system.
    • Detailed case study and compilation of structured database of globally existing biomass solar hybrid power plants:
      • Information on full scale operational plants based on biomass solar hybrid technologies/models installed in the field, including performance of the plants;
      • Cost of biomass solar hybrid technologies, both capex and O&M, and details of fiscal & financial support provided by the Govt. for setting up the project;
      • Optimal system combination for biomass solar hybrid technologies, including Comparative evaluation and ranking of the shortlisted technologies suitable in Indian conditions;
      • Levelized cost of power generation for biomass solar hybrid technologies with different system combinations covering various feasible options of interfacing the two systems; and
      • Develop potential supplier resource base for each selected biomass hybrid technology and capacity range(s).
  • Development of Five Bankable Detailed Project Reports:
    • Develop detailed ToRs and assist the PMC in selection of National Consultants for collection of input information / data from field;
    • Providing hand holding support to the National Consultants in execution and timely completion of the following activities:
      • Selection of 5 feasible sites out of the list of projects attached at Annexure I, through assessment of plant performance and interest of the developers;
      • Determining the most appropriate size of solar thermal component which leads to sustainability and viability of the plant;
      • Development of Bankable Detailed Project Report including financial analysis based on existing policy and regulatory frameworks for the Biomass and Solar components respectively; in India; and
      • Recommendation for an optimal financial support/ Viability Gap Funding for establishment of the shortlisted projects.

Complete RfP can be downloaded from here.

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