RPower’s Samalkot Project which is based on Gas as fuel will require around 9.6 milllion cubic meters/day (mmcmd) gas. Spark found that, RPower has written a letter to Hon’able Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh for allocation of the required gas to the Project. RPower’s application has already been recommended by Ministry of Power (MoP) and is pending with Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) for the 18 months.
In the ruling of Supreme Court in 2010, for the adjudication between Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) and Reliance Natural Resources ltd (RNRL), it was ruled that the group’s demand for gas allocation should be considered in line with government policy. As the RPower is ready for the plant commissioning and has fulfilled all requirements for gas allocations as outlined in the gas utilization policy, the require quantity of gas should be allotted to Samalkot Project.