Power India found that, the Centre for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET), the autonomous R&D body under MNRE, has launched another phase of nationwide wind assessment project in accordance with recent CERC regulations and tariff orders for renewable energy project including wind.
Under the proposed phase, CWET will measure the wind energy potential across the nation at 100m and 120 m heights instead of 50m which was used in earlier phase.
As said by Dr. S. Gomathinayagam, Executive Director, C-WET:
"The technology of megawatt class wind turbine has been changing all over the world. Anticipating taller towers with larger diameter rotors in the Indian market, we have now extended our assessment at greater heights in different areas to harness the potential of wind energy with the latest technology in India"
This phase will also look for land availability through Geographical Information System along with a 'land-use land-cover' map, indicating the type of land cover which provides easy access to the wind power producers. It will also mark suitable land areas that are available for wind farming, using geographical instruments and applications like 'Google maps'.
Currently, the project operates in 7 states -- Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, while there's a separate project for Odisha.
This project would calculate the potential of only on-shore wind sites.
For offshore, however, there is one project in Tamil Nadu near Rameshwaram, measuring the wind energy potential at 100-meter height.
CWET has also invited bids for supply of masts and civil works for installation of masts.
The Centre believes that this will attract a lot of new engineering, procurement & construction players and independent power producers in the wind energy sector. "This project will give direction to the industry and guide investors, policy makers and the government. Wind turbine manufacturers and power producers will have prior knowledge about the land, indicative wind at heights, hence helping them to choose a suitable technology," said Gomathinayagam
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