Power, in the present edge, is the lifeblood for each & every economy around the globe. It is an essential requirement for all facets of our life and has been recognized as a basic human need. Socio-economic development of any country depends upon development of this critical infrastructure.
Indian Power sector has been in the forefront of Indian growth story. With huge captive coal reserves, significant potential for generation of power from renewable energy sources, and a highly investor friendly Government policy for setting-up greenfield Power projects, Indian Power sector is abreast with untapped opportunities.
The growth of the economy and its global competitiveness hinges on the availability of reliable and quality power at competitive rates.
The growth of the economy and its global competitiveness hinges on the availability of reliable and quality power at competitive rates.
Here, through this website, we are putting an effort to bolster the sturdy growth of Indian Power Sector. We will provide comprehensive supports in terms of latest happenings, analysis, publications, links and other resources related to the Indian and Global Power Sector.