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December 9, 2010

NPCIL plans to set up a consortium for exporting pressurized heavy water reactors to emerging economies...


Spark Network learnt that NPCIL (Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd) has initiated talks with Indian companies and financial institutions to form a consortium for exporting pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) to emerging economies.

The consortium will facilitate export of PHWRs to less developed countries including Myanmar, Cambodia, Kazakstan, Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia.

NPCIL is at present working on increasing India’s nuclear capacity to 63,000 MW by 2032, from the present 4,460 MW.

NPCIL will provide technology support, manage projects and be responsible for human resource in the proposed consortium, while other partners would take care of nuclear and turbines and balance of plant island.

According to Spark Network, NPCIL has adequate experience and a proven technology in the form of PHWRs. These reactors are of 220 MW and 540 MW. Countries which we are targeting will need such reactors as their grid cannot take capacity of 1,000 MW reactors. The exports can be possible through a consortium, as NPCIL alone cannot fulfill country-specific requirements. The consortium will be formed along the lines of the French reactor supplier Areva.

According to NPCIL, India has 20 PHWRs with a capacity of 4,460 MW and in addition to this 200 PHWRs of 700 MW have been planned. Of these 20 PHWRs, 10 are planned based on domestic uranium fuel, out of safeguards. The remaining 10 PHWRs are planned to be fuelled with reprocessed uranium obtained from light water reactors that would be set up with international cooperation.

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