Power India found that around 1.15 GW of Solar Power Projects (Both Solar PV a d Solar Thermal/CSP) projects are being developed in the country under National Solar Mission are currently different stages of completion.
Contribution of Renewable Energy in India.
- Grid-interactive power generation capacity of 7111.66 MW from wind power and 940.09 MW from solar power (photovoltaic and concentrated solar power) has been added in the country during the last 3 years.
- No capacity addition has taken place from Geothermal energy which is presently at research and development stage.
- Renewable power generation capacity addition of 14660.65 MW has taken place during the 11th Plan period. This comprises of 10259.60 MW wind power, 1418.85 MW small hydro power, 1996 MW biomass power, 46.20 MW waste to power and 940 MW solar power.
Government Initiatives
The Government has taken several steps and measures to encourage use of renewable energy systems/ devices in the country which include the following :
- Provision of Fiscal and financial incentives such as, capital/ interest subsidy/ generation based incentive, accelerated depreciation, nil/ concessional excise and customs duties; to improve projects viability.
- Directives under Electricity Act 2003 to all States for fixing a minimum percentage for purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources;
- Preferential tariff for grid interactive renewable power in most potential States following the provisions made under the National Electricity Policy 2005 and National Tariff Policy 2006; Uniform guidelines by CERC for fixation of such preferential tariffs being issued every year;
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
- Launching of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission to give a boost to deployment of solar energy systems, solar PV as well as concentrating solar thermal achieve reduction in cost of solar power.
- The first phase of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) is scheduled to be completed by 2013 only. However, as per progress available so far all the application segments of the Mission are going on as scheduled and on target.
- The details of projects sanctioned under the Phase-I of the JNNSM are as under:
- Projects under Migration Scheme (84 MW-Solar PV – 54MW, Solar Thermal – 30 MW)
- Projects under New Project Scheme (Batch-I) (Solar PV- 150 MW, Solar Thermal- 470 MW)
- Projects under New Projects Scheme (Batch-II) (Solar PV- 350 MW)
- Projects under Roof top PV and Small Solar Power Generation Programme (RPSSGP) – 98.05 MW
- Support for sector specific seminars/ workshops/ training programmes.
- Publicity and awareness campaigns regarding the use of renewable energy systems/ devices through print, postal electronic media and exhibitions.
- A National Clean Development Mechanism has been set up to accord host country approval for the CDM projects.
Power India – A popular blog on Indian Power Sector
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