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November 9, 2013

Andhra Pradesh seeks Centre’s backing for renewable energy projects...


Andhra Pradesh transmission for renewable energy projects

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has agreed to consider a proposal of Andhra Pradesh Government to support its efforts in strengthening the evacuation network for renewable energy projects, including wind farms.

During a meeting held here between State Special Chief Secretary Energy, M. Sahoo, and Ratan P Watal, Secretary, MNRE, the latter agreed to consider the request State’s request to provide matching grant in aid for a comprehensive evacuation network of about 3150 mw wind power plants in Kurnool, Kadapa, Anantapur and Rangareddy districts.

Responding to the State’s request for support, the Union Secretary promised all possible help would be extended to arrange the funds after consultations with the Planning Department, Government of India.

The Energy Coordination Cell, in a statement said, the State informed that about 1000 MW of wind power generating capacity is expected to be commissioned by 2013-14. The State Government is planning to add around 6900 MW of non-conventional energy projects during XII Plan. Of this, 5000 MW is expected to come from wind power farms and about 1200 MW from solar eneregy.

According to a study, the State has potential for 14,497 mw of wind power generation. While the wind power installed capacity is 564.09 MW, feasibility clearance on the existing network has been issued for evacuation of 1098 MW. The State has issued feasibility for evacuation on the proposed network for about 1970 MW.

While the State now has an installed solar power generation capacity of 61.24 MW, it expects fresh capacity addition under the Solar Policy. Of the recently concluded bidding process for 1000 MW of solar power generation capacity, distribution companies have entered into power purchase agreements for 147 MW and Letters of Intent for another 142 MW have been issued.

The Union Secretary was informed that certain clarifications are awaited from Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Regulatory Commission with regard to third party sale. Once this is sorted out, there is potential to set up another 1483 MW of solar power generation capacity, the statement said.

Source: The Hindu Businessline

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