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January 6, 2014

Cloud powered rooftop solar PV power estimation tool from TERI...


Cloud powered rooftop solar PV power estimation tool from TERI...

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has announced that it is presently developing cloud computing based open-source Web-GIS Tool for estimating Rooftop Solar PV power generation potential particularly for Chandigarh area.

There is significant scope for installing solar rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems in many Indian cities. This tool is getting designed to help people to investigate their locations of interest and perform pre-processed analysis.

Tool provides visual reference – a map of the entire city showing the buildings those have solar PV installation potential. This tool was demonstrated during the workshop entitled “Promoting Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Systems in India” organized by TERI.

Mr. Amit Kumar, Director, Energy Environment Technology Development said “TERI started working on development of this tool realizing the felt need for the same, especially given the ambitious programmes on solar rooftop systems under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission as well as under States’ policies. While similar tools were available in countries like Germany and USA, nothing of sort was available in India. Going further, TERI aimed at a tool that can be used by anyone rather than only those having access to proprietary software”

.This tool designed to estimate the rooftop solar power potential of selected area or, buildings for a particular location w.r.t. various SPV technologies such as, crystalline, thin-film etc.


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